Friday, July 31, 2015

5 Must-Haves For Move In Day

Cristina shared five must-haves for moving into your residence hall. What other items would you add to this list?

1. Shower sandals & caddy 
These are things you probably don't use at home on a daily basis so it's easy to forget about. It'll be annoying to shower with sandals on but once you get used to it, you'll know you're a real college student!

2. Christmas lights
Decorating your room with these gentle lights will not only make your room look super trendy but also allow you to have some form of lighting if your roommate is asleep and you still want to study, read, or watch Netflix.

3. Command hooks 
You're going to want to hang up various things in your room and this is really the only way you can. Make sure to stock up on Command hooks for your towels, pictures, posters, lights, etc.

4. Surge protector
There is nothing worse that having to unplug your phone charger so charge any other devices. A surge protector will allow you to plug everything in a once. Plus, your friends will love coming over since they can charge their phones too!

5. Shoe hanger
I'm not sure how many shoes you own, but with New York weather you'll never know what you'll have to wear. Winter and rain boots can take up a lot of space so bring a shoe hanger to store all the other shoes you'll rock this year.

For more tips on what to bring and more, check out Hofstra's move-in brochure, here!

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