Friday, March 18, 2016

Hallo From Amsterdam!

Hey there, I’m Cristina Vintimilla. I was born and raised on Long Island and decided to stay here to attend my dream school, Hofstra University. I’ve been a commuter for the past three years and although I’ve never lived on campus, I like to say I’m pretty involved. One of my passions is working with international students and as a Hofstra Global Mentor I’ve been able to do just that. From JFK airport pick-ups to international orientation, I’ve met students from all over world that come to study at Hofstra University, and now it’s my turn.

Right now, I’m writing to you from across the world, Netherlands to be exact. Hofstra’s Amsterdam Exchange program is giving me a once in a life time opportunity to live in a new (beautiful) environment, challenge myself academically and socially and make unforgettable memories (Instagram photos) along the way.
Poffertjes (mini pancakes) are delicious!
What I’ve learned through several global studies courses at Hofstra is that due to technology, our world today is connected more than ever before. Companies can easily turn international, and employers expect you to understand how to work with different cultures. I believe an international education is the key to success.

I’m studying at Amsterdam University College (AUC) and it reminds me a bit of Hofstra. The class sizes are small and the professors are approachable, students even call them by their first names. The students in my class are not only Dutch, rather they come from all over the world to study at AUC. In every single class, at least six different countries are represented and having this kind of international classroom is a rare opportunity.

Holland loves Nutella too!
Overall, as you can probably guess I am having a great time. I’m learning in this whole new environment. I’m also able to explore a new city while traveling around Europe on the weekends. I’ve visited Dublin and have trips to Prague and Belgium booked for upcoming weeks!
O'Connell Street in Dublin, Ireland
We quickly learned the
"no bike, no life in Amsterdam" rule. 
Trinity College, Dublin

If you want to study abroad, there are hundreds of countries to choose from and Hofstra will help you along the way.  No matter what program you do, I promise you’ll have amazing stories to tell family and friends when you get back (if you even get yourself to leave).

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