Monday, November 24, 2014

Roll call! What are you thankful for?

As the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is approaching, we wanted to find out what exactly Hofstra Pride Guides are thankful for! Here's what they said.

Emily Levine, a sophomore public relations major and drama minor, says that she is thankful for her education here at Hofstra. Emily is also grateful for her supportive parents and to have great friends here at school.

This Thanksgiving, Melanie Rainone, a junior journalism and creative writing major, is thankful to have a fun job that she doesn’t mind coming to a couple times a week, and “that makes waking up at 6am on Saturdays not so bad!” Melanie is also thankful for her parents and their willingness to send her to a school in a different state!

Senior public relations major Emily Lenguadoro is thankful that after an extremely busy semester, it is finally time for a well needed Thanksgiving break, so she can return to campus well rested and prepared for the end of the semester!

Ariana Drauch, a junior health and physical education major, tells about how she is thankful for a supportive family, friends, boyfriend and classmates, and that she is able to have the opportunity to take control of her future through a great school like Hofstra.

Finally, like most of us Joe Ibraham, who is a senior journalism and marketing major with a graphic design minor, is simply thankful for his family and the opportunity to take this time off to spend time with them!

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

By Carly Gasiewski, junior public relations and dance major

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