Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Inspiring Post-It Notes!

If you were on campus yesterday, I'm sure you noticed all the different post-it notes hanging up all over campus! With messages such as, “you’re amazing!” and “you rock!”, Hofstra students couldn't help but smile as they came across these notes! Wondering who exactly posted these little notes of inspiration? The answer is  Hofstra’s Student Counseling Services, who adopted the concept from the organization Be Kind. Step Up! This organization's mission is to make the campus a happier and more welcoming place by inspiring students to recognize the powerful impact small acts of kindness can have on their lives and society as whole. After all the smiles seen on campus yesterday, I would say this organization was extremely successful here at Hofstra. Sometimes we all forget how great little acts of kindness can make us feel, so yesterday's notes were a great way to remind us all to make each other smile more often! However, these notes also reminded us all that we can inspire someone else in the simplest of ways! 
Remember, inspiration can come from anywhere, even a post-it note!

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