Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Meet Your Summer Pride Guides: Ryan McCallen

Name: Ryan McCallen
Hometown: North Merrick, NY
Major: Accounting/Political Science
Year: Sophomore

1. Why did you apply to be a Pride Guide?
Pride Guides have the important job of representing the Hofstra student body to incoming students, and I wanted to show students how awesome Hofstra is.

2. What is something most people don't know about you?
I don't get cheese on my bacon and egg sandwiches.

3. What advice do you have for first year students?
Make sure you get involved in some type of club or organization because it allows you to make friends that share a common interest.

4. Describe your New Student Orientation experience.
It was pretty cool! I knew I was going to commute to school, so orientation allowed me to make friends and meet people who turned out to be both my fraternity pledge brothers and hockey teammates.

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